Eight weeks on...

It’s been a busy time since the publication of The Geography of Friendship eight weeks ago, but it’s also been a great time. I’ve travelled to Sydney and Melbourne, visited numerous bookshops while there, and I’ve had some terrific in-conversations, safe in the hands (and minds) of stellar writers Emily Maguire, Toni Jordan and Cass Moriarty. I’ve chatted with several radio stations and podcasters, from east coast to west (a number of those interviews are on the Books page of my website) and I’ve been part of the Lord Mayor’s Writers in Residence Author Talk series at Brisbane libraries. And now I’ve started to eat cake, courtesy of the book clubs I’m visiting, one of my favourite things to do in this writing life because I finally get to hear how readers connect with the story. So far so good!

The kindness and interest my book is being shown has been humbling, but also a relief. Because as any writer will tell you, putting your work out there feels a little like perching your confidence and heart on a cliff edge and hoping a gale doesn’t come along and blow them off. So thank you to all the readers, booksellers and reviewers for your kind words of support.

Here are a few pics from the past eight weeks.

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